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Fractions: Multiplication of Fractions - Word Problems
6+ Questions

Fractions: Multiplication of Fractions – Word Problems

#Fractions #grade5 Solve real word problems involving #multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. Based on Common Core standard #5.NF.6.

  1. Four apples each weigh 1/3 pound. What is their total weight in pounds?
  2. Rachel bought 4⋅1/4 pounds of chicken for $3 per pound. How much does she spend?
  3. A bag of peanuts weighs 1⋅2/3 pounds. How much do 5 bags weigh?
  4. It takes 3/4 cup of sugar to make 4 dozen cookies. How much sugar is used to make 24 dozen?
  5. Mark grows vegetables on 2/3 of 7/8 acre of land. How much land do the vegetables cover?
  6. … and 5 more awesome questions! Check them out by clicking “Play”.