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Preteen girl learning fraction by drawing a pie on the chalk board under the supervision of her teacher.
10 Questions

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Adding and Subtracting practice- 5th-6th grade level

  1. True or False: When you add or subtract fractions, you must have the same numerator.
  2. What is 1/2 + 1/3?
  3. What is 5/6 - 2/8?
  4. True or False: 3/4 and 15/20 are equivalent fractions.
  5. What is 1/4 + 5/12?
  6. What is 7/8 - 3/10?
  7. True or False: 9.5 is the same as the mixed number 9 1/2.
  8. Convert 5/8 to a decimal
  9. What is 2/5 + 8/9?