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Algebra: Rearrange Formulas
6+ Questions

Algebra: Rearrange Formulas

#Algebra #grade10 #grade11 #grade12 Rearrange #formulas to highlight a #quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. Based on the #highschool Common C...

  1. The formula for distance traveled is d = vt. Solve the formula for the velocity v.
  2. The formula for the volume of a box is V = lwh. Solve the formula for the variable w.
  3. An important formula in chemistry is PV = nRT. Solve the formula for the variable R.
  4. The formula for volume of a cone is V = πr^2h/3. Solve the formula for the variable r.
  5. The formula for circumference is C = 2πr. Solve the formula for the variable r.
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