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Geometry: Volume of Prisms with Fractions
6+ Questions

Geometry: Volume of Prisms with Fractions

#Geometry #grade6 Find the #volume of right #rectangular #prisms with #fractional or #decimal edge lengths. Based on Common Core standard #6.G.2.

  1. What is the volume, in cubic units, of a cube with an edge length of ½?
  2. What is the best approximation for the volume, in cubic units, of the box?
  3. A prism has base area 10.5 square units and height 6 units. What is the volume of the prism?
  4. How much space is inside a locker that is 3½ feet tall, 1¾ feet deep, and 2 feet wide?
  5. … and 5 more awesome questions! Check them out by clicking “Play”.