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Join a team with your colleagues

Kahoot! is better when you create, play and share games together. Join up with your colleagues to save time!

In Kahoot! for schools and Kahoot! for businesses, you can join up with your colleagues and get a private team space where you can collaborate on kahoots.

Here’s how you can collaborate in your team space in Kahoot! for schools:

Business user? Here’s how it works in Kahoot! for businesses:

You’ve created some awesome kahoots, and so have your colleagues – team up and save precious time! Upgrade to Kahoot! for schools or Kahoot! for businesses to unlock this feature:

  • Save time by using your colleagues’ ready-to-play kahoots.
  • Use the private team space as a shared game bank for your school or organization.
  • Get organized by sorting kahoots into folders, e.g. by subject, department or other criteria.

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