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Kahoot! 360 empowers every employee in your organization to become a superstar presenter that drives engaging learning and communication with impactful and interactive presentations.

Get started today and try Kahoot! 360 Pro for free for 30 days. Offer valid until April 30.

Female presenter standing in front of a screen displaying an interactive presentation within kahoot

Limited offer - unlock 30 free days

Illustration of a kahoot being played on a tablet with images of a person holding a coffee cup and a braistra pouring a coffee overlayed on top

Kahoot! 360 Pro

$54 $0 per host
per month
Up to 2000 participants per session

This plan is best for:
Internal training & events of all sizes

All prices exclude VAT
Present to up to 2,000 participants
AI assisted icon
Complete toolkit to create presentations—faster

Add variety to your interactive presentations with every question type, including type answer—our toughest question with no answers to choose from. And save time creating your content with AI!

Word cloud

Collect opinions and establish consensus by inviting audiences of any size to share their opinions, and see all input at a glance.

Self-paced sessions

Engage audiences of any size in their own time by assigning self-paced sessions or courses. Use player identifier to identify participants by email and track performance across multiple sessions.