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Get the mobile app for the best Kahoot! experience!

​​Achieve top grades with next-gen study tools enhanced by AI

Reach your study goals using unlimited flashcards, study groups, practice tests, and easily turn your PDF notes into kahoots! Available on Kahoot!+, now $9.99/month.

Buy today and save over 20% until February 29.


For parents & kids >

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Kahoot!+ Silver
for students

$7.99 per host
per month
$96 billed annually
$14.99 per host
per month
$14.99 billed monthly
Up to 100 participants per session
All prices include VAT
Get premium features to study and present like a genius
Kahoot!+ Silver for students

Advanced study modes

Based on spacing and testing learning methods, the Kahoot! app will create personalized kahoots with questions you answered incorrectly in a live game.

Cool-looking presentations

Interactive presentations are a guaranteed boredom-buster. Select a premade theme to build visually appealing presentations, mix slides with engaging quiz questions types such as type answer and slider & media-rich content to visualize your presentation material.

New ways to play

Play your learning content using games experiences with friends to compete or work together to spark the excitement and boost knowledge retention.

Ultimate tools to learn better and study together
Kahoot!+ Gold for students

Unlock brand-new question types

Cut the guesswork and encourage accuracy with precision question types like type answer and slider, or use word cloud and open ended questions for idea mapping.

Play in teams

Work together on up to 10 customizable teams with personalized names and themes, in which you can compete or collaborate in cooperative gameplay to increase excitement. Combine reports from multiple kahoots to create a tournament leaderboard.

Spark discussions

Use brainstorm question type to share knowledge or to kick off a group session or spark new ideas around a topic. Vote to see who’s ideas were best!