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All you need to know to create and share awesome learning content

Best practices for Kahoot! Premium publishers


Welcome to Kahoot!

If you’re seeing this page, it means you’re now a Premium publisher or are in the process of becoming one – congratulations!

Here, you’ll find guidelines that will help you create high quality learning content that will be seen by millions of educators, students, and anyone else passionate about learning. Dive in for detailed recommendations, or download these PDF checklists:

Profile page checklist Kahoot creation checklist

How to optimize your profile page

On your profile page within Kahoot!, you can introduce your organization to the community, feature your original kahoots, as well as add links to any supporting or complementary content you would like to feature. To make your profile even more relevant and give other users a reason to visit it again, we encourage you to fill out all fields and continue adding more kahoots and links.

Save or print out this short checklist with all steps to optimize your profile page:

Profile page checklist

Profile photo

Your profile photo is the logo or image that will be associated with your page and corresponding kahoots. We recommend using your organization’s logo, so that your content is easily identifiable! Please be sure any text is clear and is easy to read.


Banner image

The banner image, which is displayed in the top part of your profile page, adds a nice visual touch! You can also use this space to illustrate the theme of your kahoots or your organization. You can choose from one of our suggested backgrounds, or upload your own high-quality image. The recommended dimensions are [1280×256 px, a ratio of 5:1]. This will work for the desktop view [6:1 ratio] and mobile view [3:1 ratio]. When you upload your image, you will be able to crop it so it fits the screen the way you like!

You can use a branded image you created as part of your marketing material. If your photo contains people, make sure all have given consent to be featured on the web. Alternatively, you can use an image with a Creative Commons license. Please avoid using copyrighted images that don’t belong to your organization.

Social media profiles

Would you be open to other partners, publishers, educators or parents connecting with you on social media? Feel free to include links to your profiles, for example, on Twitter or Instagram!

When it comes to any external links you add to your profile, please ensure that all content added there is kid-friendly as Kahoot! is a resource for millions of students, too.

Short page title

Add a short title that will be displayed at the top of your profile. We suggest keeping this title short and simple by using your organization’s name. If there is space, you might also include the type of content you feature on your profile, such as Science or Social emotional learning.


Add a few sentences to describe your organization and share a bit more about what kind of content you’re creating. We think the following info can be really helpful for our community:

  • Mission or goal of your organization
  • What grades/school levels your content targets
  • What subjects you cover
  • What curriculum standards you follow in your content (if any)
  • If you have content in other languages – specify which languages.

Personal websites

The personal websites section is where you can link to your organization’s websites. Please add a link so our community can get to know your brand better! The first link you add will be located on your profile underneath your Short page title.

If you have any additional resources that can complement your awesome kahoots, we think they’d make your profile page shine even more! These links, which you add below your first link, will be located in the “About” section of your profile page. Here are some examples of great supporting content:

  • Blog posts or articles with organization information or updates
  • Lesson plans that incorporate your kahoots
  • Educational videos for students
  • PDFs with additional learning material

When adding a link, make the text more descriptive so others can easily assess if it’s relevant for them:

Choose your top 4 kahoots

That’s the part of your profile page where probably most eyes will be looking! Choose 4 kahoots you’re most proud of to pin here – they will be displayed at the top of your profile. We recommend changing your top kahoots every now and then to keep your profile more dynamic.

Make sure your kahoots have descriptive titles that would make it easier for our community to assess if they’re relevant for their needs. We’ll focus on the best practices for high quality kahoots in the next section.

More kahoots!

When you’re getting started as a Premium publisher, it’s best if you already have at least 3 kahoots to add to your page. But you can of course (and we’d very much encourage it) add more kahoots in the future!

As mentioned in the section above, try to make the kahoot titles as descriptive as possible and avoid references that might not be universally known to a global audience, for example, chapter names of a textbook:

Add courses

Adding courses to your profile can help you better organize your kahoots. If you have many kahoots (say, 10 or more) and they cover a broad range of topics, a good practice to make them easier to navigate on your page is by sorting them into different courses, or collections of kahoots on similar topics. These courses will separate your kahoots into categories on your profile page.

If you have not created a course, Kahoot! will automatically group your public kahoots together and create a generic title. Please create your own courses to make your page easier to navigate! Do not fear, if you do not have courses yet, follow the steps in the next section.

Creating courses

Creating courss is easy! You can organize your kahoots and resources into courses in a variety of ways, such as by grade, by language, by topic, or by use case (introduction, review, assessment, etc). 

  1. Log in to your Kahoot! account
  2. Select Library at the top of the page
  3. On the left side, select Courses
  4. Select Create course
  5. Choose a title for your course, such as Work-from-home Tips or Algebra
  6. Write a description. What types of kahoots are in this course? You can include a content standard or a goal in addition to a suggested appropriate age range.
  7. Choose a cover image that represents the topic. You can even choose a cover image of one of your kahoots!
  8. Select Create button and Add your kahoots. Remember, the kahoots you include here will be public on your profile!
  9. Select Done in the top right corner. Now you have created a course!

To create more courses or edit your existing ones, begin again from step 2 above.

    Always remember: No copyrighted images

    Whether it’s your background image or an image used in any of your kahoots, please avoid using copyrighted images that don’t belong to your organization. This is one of the most common reasons for declining applications.

    Read Kahoot!’s Terms and Conditions

    If you haven’t read them yet, please have a look to make sure all content you’re adding is aligned with Kahoot!’s Terms and Conditions. Please pay special attention to the section about Acceptable use.

    Share your profile page with your network!

    Great work with setting up your page – now share your hard work with your organization, educators, students or friends! Let your networks know you’re now a Premium publisher on Kahoot! – for example, by posting on social media.

    How to create high quality kahoots

    Whether you’re new to Kahoot! or have been creating learning games for a while, we’re pretty sure this section will give you a cool new idea or two!

    Looking for a TL; DR version? Save or print this short checklist with all things you need to remember to create an awesome kahoot:

    Kahoot creation checklist

    Share your original content

    Kahoot! brings together passionate educators and publishers from around the world and gives them a platform to share their unique learning content. When creating or updating your kahoots, please make sure all your current and future kahoots are original, i.e. made by your organization and aren’t based on others’ kahoots.

    Remember to follow Kahoot!’s Terms and Conditions

    We encourage you to have a scan of Kahoot!’s Terms and Conditions to make sure all your content is aligned with them. Please pay special attention to the section about Acceptable use. We know it’s a long read but it addresses some of the most common mistakes that lead to kahoots getting quarantined or applications declined – for example, usage of trademarked or copyrighted material, including images, that doesn’t belong to your organization.

    Speaking of images…

    Best practices of using images in your kahoots

    Adding images makes kahoots more engaging and impactful. You can use them to illustrate a question, add a hint, test attention, and more. Here are some recommendations for choosing images:

    • Found an image online? Make sure you have the rights to use it in your learning content. This is one of the most common mistakes that leads to kahoots getting quarantined or applications declined. Don’t use copyrighted or trademarked images, images including brand logos that aren’t yours, stills from movies or cartoons, etc. that don’t belong to your organization.
    • Look for images under a Creative Commons license which means that the author allows it to be used and distributed by other people.
    • Have some photos, charts, graphs or drawings belonging to your organization? They’ll make a great addition to your kahoot!
    • Always make sure you add images in high quality so they can be clearly seen on screens of any size.
    • Kahoot! has a built-in library with millions of premium images: search by keywords while creating a kahoot!

    5 steps to making a great kahoot

    1. Define key knowledge and learning goals – what do you want to achieve with the kahoot? Will you use it to introduce a topic, review, or assess knowledge?
    2. Package chunks of knowledge in simple, easy-to-understand questions aligned with the learners’ age and level. We recommend having 8-20 questions in a kahoot depending on the goals and topic complexity.
    3. Define relevant answer options – the incorrect ones matter, too!
    4. Get creative with imagery or video to enhance your questions.
    5. Structure the kahoot to give it a progression – the best kahoots have a narrative or “flow.”

    Mix and match question types depending on learning goals

    In addition to multiple-choice quiz, Kahoot! offers a variety of other question types – and we highly encourage you to mix and match them depending on your learning goals! Here’s a refresher:

    • True or false: a great way to captivate attention or check how well players understand a topic;
    • Type answer: players have to type a short correct answer – perfect to assess knowledge without cues;
    • Puzzle: deepen learning by asking to place answers in the correct order;
    • Poll: collect student opinions or run a quick pulse-check;
    • Slide: introduce a topic, provide more context, explain the correct answer – to keep the kahoot engaging and dynamic, we recommend to use fewer than 3 slides in a row.

    Use additional options to customize questions

    By using additional options in each question, you can tailor it customize it even better for different ages, learning goals and better dynamics:

    • Use images as answer alternatives for visual learning and younger players;
    • Turn off points to focus on accuracy in a question;
    • Toggle double points on in more difficult questions or in the final question for extra engagement;
    • Adjust question timer depending on complexity, whether learners need to solve a problem, etc.

    You name it! Tips for an awesome kahoot title

    A great kahoot title, combined with a catchy cover image, is one of the main ways to entice fellow Kahoot!’ers to click on your kahoot. Imagine that someone comes across it outside of your profile page and they’re not familiar with what topics you specialize in – will they understand what this kahoot is about without opening it?

    Try to make the kahoot titles as descriptive as possible. Add some context and avoid references that might not be universally known to a global audience, for example, textbook chapter names and acronyms:

    How to optimize your kahoot description

    Always add a description to your kahoots! A well-optimized description will improve your content visibility in the Kahoot! search and will help other users define if it’s relevant for them without having to review questions in detail.

    To enhance your kahoot’s description, we also recommend adding hashtags. The best approach to defining the right ones is to put yourself in the shoes of a teacher (or other Kahoot!’er) who would most benefit from discovering your kahoot. What are they likely to be typing into the search box?

    For example, math teachers will often type in “math” when they’re first exploring the kahoots available, but then they dig deeper, looking for kahoots tagged with specific grades or math topics, and even specific learning objectives within topics.

    Visibility settings for kahoots

    Please check the visibility settings for each kahoot you add to your profile page. Click Edit for a specific kahoot and go to Settings in the top bar. Under Visibility, make sure you’ve checked Everyone which means that this kahoot is public.


    How to create your own community

    Community, Kahoot!’s newest profile feature, allows publishers to share content, news, and connect with your constituents! It will allow your organization to engage with millions of educators, share unique learning content and participate in discussions providing you with useful feedback.

    This is how you can get started with building your community:

    1. Go to your Premium publisher profile and click Community
    2. Click Message your community… to post an update. You can post an update without any attachments, or with a kahoot attached. Example: “Welcome to my Kahoot! community! To get access to unique math games from grades 5-7, follow me in here!”
    3. Write your update and choose which kahoot to Add from a list. Remember, you can post an update without attaching a kahoot!
    4. Click Post to share your first community update! This update will only be shown to followers of your profile.
    5. Spread the word about your new community!

    Share your profile on social media, and continue to update your community with unique games and other info to grow your community further! More relevant profiles will get more visibility on Kahoot!, so the more updates and content you add, the more you’ll be able to gain new followers.

    Why build your community?

    • Meet your audience where they are—over 28 million users including 8+ million educators at school, 10m+ at home users, and millions of at work users
    • Through frequent communication, build deeper relationships with your key stakeholders
    • Build a following of Kahoot!’ers who want to be the first to know about beloved games when they launch!
    • Be among the brand leaders that are paving the way of future learning
    • Conduct market research with your most engaged stakeholders instantly, by using the Kahoot! poll questions (coming soon)
    • Be recognized globally and increase your credibility as a committed brand who cares
    • Generate new brand leads and lovers
    • Increase traffic across your platforms with engaging calls to action

    Community posting tips & ideas

    • Post consistently and frequently (we suggest setting a goal for at least once a week!)
    • Mix up your posts with kahoots, special announcements, helpful advice and updates
    • Offer unique content such as new kahoots and sneak peaks of things to come and more

    Additional resources for inspiration

    Looking for more ideas on how to make your content even more awesome? Here are some additional resources you can check out for inspiration!

    Some Premium partners and Verified educators we have crushes on ❤️

    Have a look at their profiles:

    Pedagogy-backed tips for impactful kahoots

    Other resources

    Frequently asked questions

    Why was my application to become a Premium publisher declined?

    We’re sorry to hear that! All applications are reviewed by our editorial team, and the most common reasons for declined ones are:

    • Your kahoots aren’t original: for example, they’re copied from other educators’ or partners’ profiles or look very similar to them;
    • You have too few kahoots on your page: we recommend having at least 3 kahoots on a profile page;
    • Your content isn’t in line with Kahoot!’s Terms and Conditions: please review them thoroughly;
      You’ve used copyrighted images or brand references: please only use images with a Creative Commons license or your own material.

    We hope that the guidelines above will help you fix whatever hiccups occurred and you can apply again!

    Why isn’t my kahoot displayed on my profile page?

    Please check the visibility settings for that kahoot. Click Edit and go to Settings in the top bar. Under Visibility, make sure you’ve checked Everyone which means that this kahoot is public.

    Why is my kahoot under moderation?

    Ouch! It means another Kahoot! user has reported your kahoot. You can find more details on the possible reasons in this support article.

    How can I get my kahoots featured on the Discover page or Study page within Kahoot! Academy?

    We don’t have any additional application process to submit your kahoots for featuring. Our editorial team thoroughly selects content based on its quality, trending topics, how original the content is, and more. Please keep up your great work creating new, awesome kahoots, and we’ll follow your page for updates!

    Can I offer my content for a fee?

    Currently, all content within Kahoot! is available to our community for free. We’re planning to launch the Kahoot! Academy marketplace in 2021. We’re currently collecting input from educators to make this offering as relevant as possible. It’ll allow Verified educators and Premium partners to offer their own content in any format they’d like. We don’t plan to charge any sales commission on content distributed by Verified educators within the Kahoot! Academy marketplace. Stay tuned for more updates!