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Get the mobile app for the best Kahoot! experience!

Kahoot! app

Create, play and share learning games with the Kahoot! app for iOS, macOS & Android wherever you are!

Make your lessons, presentations or gatherings more engaging with the Kahoot! app. Use Kahoot! to spark interaction with quizzes, polls, brainstorms, puzzles and slides.

Unlock premium features to play with more people and get more question types!

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Play to learn Kahoot! Kids app

How does Kahoot! work?



It only takes minutes to create a learning game or trivia quiz on any topic, in any language.

Host or share

Host a live game with questions on a big screen or share a game with remote players.


Game on! Join a kahoot with a PIN provided by the host and answer questions on your device.

Play engaging learning games at school, at home and at work, create your own kahoots and learn something new every day with the Kahoot! app for iOS and Android!

Discover how the Kahoot! app can help you

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At School
Make learning awesome!

Millions of teachers and students unleash the magic of learning with Kahoot! Introduce new topics, review, thrill, and collect data for formative assessment.


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employee engagement programs

At Work
Create interactive presentations

Create a kahoot in minutes and deliver training sessions, presentations, business meetings and events that energize groups of any size!


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Group of friends sitting on a sofa looking at a laptop screen

At Home
Be the host of your own game show

Birthdays, weddings, holidays, game nights, family dinners, trivia… Kahoot! is the secret ingredient that will make any party or gathering even more awesome.


Sign Up For Free

More than 1,000,000,000 players a year

More than 50% of US teachers use Kahoot!
Players in more than 200 countries
Over 50 million public games available
97% of the Fortune 500 use Kahoot!

Explore other apps in the Kahoot! family

Giant new icon

Kahoot! Multiplication by DragonBox

Turn the chore of memorizing the times tables into an awesome and captivating game experience! Recommended for ages 8 and up. Available on Android and iOS.


Kahoot! Numbers by Dragonbox

Introduce your kids to math with fun activities that explain what numbers are and how they work.


Kahoot! Big Numbers by Dragonbox

Help your kids understand long additions and subtractions through play and exploration.


Kahoot! Learn to Read by Poio

This game helps children aged 3-8 learn to read through their own exploration.


Kahoot! Algebra by DragonBox

Give young learners a head start in math and algebra. This intuitive game teaches processes needed to solve basic linear equations.


Kahoot! Algebra 2 by DragonBox

Help children gain confidence in algebra and math and improve their grades with this engaging game.


Kahoot! Geometry by DragonBox

Learn geometry on an exciting learning adventure in the world of shapes. Recommended for ages 9+.Kahoot!


Kahoot! Learn Chess by DragonBox

Learn to play chess or improve your skills and become the grandmaster in your family! Recommended for ages 5+.

Kahoot! 1024 rounded


Access millions of ready-to-play learning games, master topics with study modes and compare with friends in leagues.

Download the Kahoot! app for free

Download on the App Store    Get it on Google Play    Download on the Chrome Store    Download on the App Mac Store