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Fairtrade helps employees master policies through play and teamwork

Learn how the team at Fairtrade play to keep all employees up to date with policies which is vital for their operations

Location: Australia & New Zealand
Industry: Nonprofit
Use cases: Compliance training
Key wins
Kahoot! helps Fairtrade staff learn in a simpler, more dynamic way. A lot of learning happens without participants even realizing it
The team’s knowledge of the policies has increased substantially, especially around HR policies
Training around policies isn’t seen as a time-consuming routine anymore. Instead, it’s a fun, memorable and, most importantly, productive team activity!
Combining Kahoot! with video conferencing tools, Chris and his colleagues can easily connect remote participants from Australia, New Zealand and other locations
Chris Shelly, Fairtrade, blogger profile
Christopher Shelly
Executive Manger, Operations & Finance

Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand brought game-based methods into their training sessions to keep the entire team up to date and engaged with all policies, which is vital for their operations. Chris Shelly, Executive Manager shared their organization’s best practices:

Staying up to date with policies is vital

“Being a large organization working across several countries, policies are extremely important to sync all staff with how we operate, as well as help us collaborate with regulators and funders in an optimal way. Policies aren’t always the easiest content to consume, but we found a great way to master them in an interactive and engaging way – and that’s through Kahoot!”

Replacing slideshows and emails with interactive games

Chris first tried Kahoot! at his son’s school event. Later, when his colleagues were then looking for a way to make policy knowledge come to life at all-staff meetings, he put forward the idea of hosting a kahoot instead of running slideshows or emailing documents to the team.

Kahoot!'ing at Fairtrade
Fairtrade using Kahoot! at their policy training

Introducing policies and reviewing knowledge with kahoots

Before Fairtrade discovered Kahoot! for business, policy updates were typically emailed out to staff. There was no process other than an occasional sign-off to confirm they read and knew the policies, thus no way to see if that content was actually mastered.

Now, they play Kahoot! every month in all-staff meetings, with between 6 and 10 questions on one of their policies. Topics they covered so far have included:

  • HR Policies
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Fairtrade Gender Strategy
  • Capacity Building Policy
  • Travel Security Policy
  • Counter Terrorism Policy

Policies contain a lot of important content that isn’t always easy to remember. Kahoot! helps learn in a simpler, more dynamic way, having some fun along the way. A lot of learning actually happens without even realizing it. Rather than listening to one person talk about a policy, it provides an interactive session that ensures that the participants are really engaged. Chris shared that the team’s knowledge of the policies has increased substantially, especially around HR policies.

“Kahoot! helps learn in a simpler, more dynamic way, having some fun along the way. A lot of learning actually happens without even realizing it.”

Christopher Shelly, Fairtrade

Visibility into training progress with reports

Chris highlighted Kahoot! reporting as one of the most helpful features in his work: “Another advantage of reviewing policy knowledge with Kahoot! is the advanced reporting which is part of the business offering. We can share visual game reports with our funders and regulators to show them where we stand with policy training.”


Encourage discussion and teamwork
According to Chris, they often play Kahoot! In team mode with 2-3 people in each team because discussion and teamwork help participants understand and remember content better. Since most questions they create have multiple correct answers, team members put their heads together and discuss which one they will choose.


Use photos and graphics
Chris and his colleagues try to include as many photos and graphics as possible in the kahoot questions: not only does it look better, but also builds a better connection with the topic.


Humor makes any kahoot better
“Don’t forget humor which is also a great addition to a kahoot, even with such a serious topic as policies. One answer alternative is often something funny,” Chris explained.

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