Engage, empower and energize every employee
Kahoot! 360 Spirit is even more involving and motivating. You are able to customize your Kahoot! experience using your own logo and branding. You and your team can also enjoy all the features that make Kahoot! the best team builder. Where every employee can create and present kahoots, working together and learning together. Everybody is fully engaged and everybody fully informed.

Transform communication at your organization
Give your employees a voice with Kahoot! 360 Spirit. Company meetings become two-way engagement sessions where everybody can participate. That’s the best way to ensure that employees not only hear important information but also absorb it too. Reinforce team spirit and friendly competition as your employees can join forces to collaborate and compete against other teams.

Deliver an awesome experience for both learners and trainers
Introducing training that employees will want to complete! With Kahoot! courses, you can easily deliver in-depth engaging training to learners anywhere, while also tracking knowledge retention. Bring any topic to life with multiple live kahoots, fully async content formats like self-paced kahoots, PDFs, videos, and stories, OR build a blended learning experience– all in one Kahoot! course.