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Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals uses Kahoot! to onboard staff across 170 hospitals

Read about their unique approach to training staff, fundraising teams and partners with maximum knowledge retention

Location: Utah, USA
Industry: Nonprofit
Use cases: Onboarding training
Key wins
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals came up with a blended approach to onboarding training that they run 3 times a year and added Kahoot! to improve engagement
Integrating Kahoot! into the learning path throughout onboarding significantly improved session dynamics and boosted knowledge retention
The new format of training keeps participants excited and captivates their attention for a full day of sessions
The hospital helpdesk, where employees call in to ask questions, has seen a dip in the type of questions after the new staff training was introduced
Todd Grantham profile picture
Todd Grantham
Senior Director, Learning & Development Strategy

Kahoot! brings onboarding sessions to life

In their onboarding program, Todd and colleagues run several tracks. There is an onboarding track that everybody attends, which is held 3 times a year. It’s a blended type learning course, with online training modules and training in person. After they integrated Kahoot! into the learning path throughout onboarding, it significantly increased engagement, brought amazing dynamics to their sessions and boosted knowledge retention.

Participants love the challenge of the competition and seeing their names on the top of the leaderboard. According to Todd, Kahoot! is a great way to break up the training, retain the knowledge, and keep everyone engaged.

“Kahoot! has really helped solidify what trainees learn. You might forget slides, but never kahoots!”

Todd Grantham, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Kahoot! has really helped Todd and other trainers solidify what trainees learn. Here’s how he described the impact of the new approach to training: “We’ve tried using it in many different ways, but it seems to work best for us if we use it to reinforce each topic that we teach. This keeps trainees engaged all day. It’s interesting to see them so excited, and literally jumping around! (and that fun is really “contagious”, I assure you!)”

In addition to the three onboarding training tracks mentioned above, there are smaller sessions run on hospital level. In this case, the team also uses Kahoot! extensively, but more as a survey tool and less as a mainly educational activity.

During their onboarding sessions, trainers at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals host at least 7 kahoots throughout the day. They cover a multitude of topics throughout the day, from organizational setup structure to corporate partners to programs and events. After each presenter has gone through their slides, they play Kahoot!. Driven by the motivation to get their names on the leaderboard, participants feel extra motivated and pay attention to the content.

Phones are welcome!

In the interview, Todd shared with us that many trainees were positively surprised by phones being allowed during the onboarding course: “It’s cool when the new people join the onboarding class. They ask “Wait… are we going to use our phone during the training? They usually tell us to put it away!”

Todd Grantham facilitating onboarding training

More Kahoot!-based activities ahead

As the feedback from trainees and results of the sessions have been really positive, the organization started looking for new ways to use this new way of training. Many employees who completed the training in the new format liked it so much that they started planning how to use it in their respective hospitals.

According to Todd, he and his team are planning to integrate Kahoot! into more activities organization-wide:

  • Play in team mode across the country.
  • Incorporate Kahoot! into more learning paths on hospital level.
  • Use Kahoot! challenges to engage participants at home to review and reinforce knowledge.

Kahoot! decreased the workload for the helpdesk

In addition to much higher engagement and knowledge retention, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals have seen another significant improvement:

“Our hospital helpdesk, where employees call in to ask questions, has seen a dip in the type of questions they ask based on the information and the training they get during the onboarding process. They’re not asking questions about the things we’re training them on during onboarding, because they’re being reinforced by Kahoot!,” Todd shared.

“Kahoot! brings onboarding sessions to life.”

Todd Grantham, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Customize and reuse existing kahoots
Never start from scratch. Go back to your previous kahoots and just tweak the content there – it’ll save you lots of time.


Spark competition with the leaderboard
Put up the leaderboard on the screen to spark competitive spirit.


Drive visual learning
Add engaging images and videos to your kahoots. People are visual learners, so videos help with knowledge retention.


Mix, match, experiment
Try different game structures and dynamics and find out what works for your learners. There is so much room for experimenting and customizing the experience to different audiences.