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Fast-growing mobile marketing company builds relationships across offices with Kahoot!

Learn how Liftoff enhances the company culture by connecting everyone on their growing team

Location: California, USA
Industry: Technology, Media & Telecomms
Use cases: Internal communication, Town halls, meetings, and interactive presentations
Key wins
Liftoff integrated Kahoot! into their team sessions and company all-hands to connect their fast growing team
Getting to know each other better helps the company enhance their team culture across several offices
According to employees, playing Kahoot! together breaks down communication barriers
Liftoff also added Kahoot! to boost engagement into their customer-facing events
Nicole Bansal, Global Events Marketing at Liftoff, blogger profile on Kahoot!
Nicole Bansal
Director of Marketing

Building a strong and well-connected global team has always been one of Liftoff’s strategic priorities. When their team doubled across 6 locations globally, Nicole Bansal and her colleagues felt it was a high priority to find new ways to help the fast growing team connect. They adopted Kahoot! as a powerful tool for breaking down barriers and connecting the team from different offices.

How Kahoot! helps Liftoff connect their team

According to Nicole, with so many newcomers, it was tricky to keep up and get to know each other properly, particularly on a personal level. Kahoot! helped them change that. Every December, Liftoff hosts an international all-hands week where colleagues from all across the globe meet in the head office for a week. During this time, they break into teams and play a 45-minute, multi-round Kahoot! game. Teams are mixed up to span across various departments and offices so people that don’t often work closely together are required to compete together to achieve a common objective.

“Kahoot! is a powerful tool for breaking down barriers and connecting the team.”

Nicole Bansal, Liftoff

Typically, a Kahoot! session at Liftoff includes some questions about the company but, more importantly, it focuses on facts and news about people. In a way, it’s a big “selfie kahoot” that helps them learn more about each other. Every year, Liftoffers tell the marketing team how much they enjoy the engaging and competitive nature of the game, and how it helps them break barriers with employees they don’t get the opportunity to interact with on a day-to-day basis.

During the game, live leaderboard scores and feedback between questions keeps it all extremely dynamic and competitive, as Nicole highlighted. The team facilitating the activity ensures there’s always a good reason to compete: the winning team typically gets a prize, and also the privilege to challenge teams who lost to do something funny.

Breaking the ice at events

Soon after they integrated Kahoot! into their team sessions, Nicole and her colleagues applied similar thinking to their external customer-facing events. Prior to certain events, they collect info about the attendees and their companies, and build a customer-centric kahoot based on those facts. To add a personal touch and keep it consistent, they run it in Liftoff’s own branded template.

Liftoff playing Kahoot! in the office

Nicole commented: “Playing Kahoot! quickly breaks the ice and can kick off some great networking among the participants. We pull lots of data on every company in attendance and every once in a while, a customer misses a question about his or her own company – expect a lot of noise and jokes from colleagues to follow!”

Putting minds together to co-create kahoots

Nicole finds it very easy to create a new kahoot. Once the topic is set and she has the content she needs, it usually only takes her an hour to put all questions together. She often co-creates kahoots together with her colleagues: “Typically, we have anywhere from two to five Liftoffers working together to create a kahoot at any given time. Sections are assigned to each individual, and the game is ready to go in no time!”

A team that plays together stays together! Bring game-based learning into your team sessions to help employees connect with each other.

“Playing Kahoot! at events quickly breaks the ice and can kick off some great networking among the participants.”

Nicole Bansal, Liftoff

Do some research
Content is king. Do the research and collect relevant info before you start creating questions – it saves a lot of time! Play some of the existing games in the Kahoot! mobile app in single-player mode to get inspiration.


Engage with humor and visuals
Add some humor to the questions, especially if the content you’re working with is a bit dry. Add stimulating visuals such as photos, gifs, and videos to your quiz.


Save time with templates
Create branded templates for your future games that other employees from your company can customize and reuse.


Vary game dynamics
When hosting a longer kahoot, split the game into multiple rounds to keep the engagement level high and allow for bathroom breaks.


Remember – you’re a storyteller!
Don’t rush through the questions. Use Kahoot! as a storytelling tool – share some additional info between questions and always remember to look at at the leaderboard to drive competition! Use the hosting experience as an exercise for your public speaking skills in a friendly atmosphere.


Continue the experience after the session
For example, prizes or a post-game celebration work great to motivate people to continue interacting and discuss content after they’ve completed a Kahoot! session.