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Qualys engages and polls 700+ attendees at its annual Qualys Security Conference with Kahoot!

Adding a Kahoot! tournament to its annual security conference in Las Vegas helped Qualys further engage and energize attendees. Watch the video interview to hear more about their best practices of organizing big events.

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Industry: Technology, Media & Telecomms
Use cases: Conferences, Events & Webinars, Marketing & Communications
Key wins
Event organizers can get increased attendee retention at events by planning trivia/quiz tournaments with Kahoot! that can be spread throughout the event.
Presenters at events can gauge audience sentiment and opinions easily and anonymously with Kahoot!’s poll feature instead of having them raise hands.
Polls also can help event organizers generate future thought leadership content such as blog posts through relevant insights collected from poll results.
qualys no text logo

About the company
Qualys is a leader in cloud-based IT, security and compliance solutions. More than 15,700 global businesses in more than 130 countries trust Qualys to underpin digital transformation for greater agility, better business outcomes, and substantial cost savings.


Recently, Qualys, a leader in cloud-based IT, security and compliance solutions, held its annual security conference in Las Vegas. This is one of the company’s biggest events focused on trends in the security industry and Qualys’ plans for the future. With 700+ attendees and a 2-day program, the team was looking for additional ways to energize the audience.

Qualys decided to include trivia competitions throughout the conference and used the tournament feature. It was a success and helped keep attendees engaged and present, particularly on the final day of the conference.

Here’s a short summary of their key wins:

Increased attendee retention with a tournament

As the conference was shaping up to be quite content-heavy and it would run over two days, the team was looking for ways to increase attendee retention. Having brainstormed different solutions, they decided to do game-based competitions about cybersecurity and Qualys, and use Kahoot! as a tool to tap into people’s competitive side. The tournament feature in Kahoot! Platinum Events allowed them to combine the scores from several games in one report for final results.

The winners of the competition were announced at the end of the event by Qualys’ CEO and, according to the Qualys Events Team, this worked brilliantly to keep more people in their seats throughout the entirety of the 2-day event.

“The idea was to schedule a kahoot when engagement starts to dip. You re-energize the audience and then you start again”

Vice President of Brand & Creative, Qualys

Redefining how to poll the audience

Additionally, Qualys used Kahoot! and our new question types to poll the conference audience. Before Kahoot!, presenters asked questions verbally and audience members responded by raising their hands, which was not always as effective or truly representative of the audience’s views. “One of the things I noticed using Kahoot!, was that more people participated in the polling questions. Since it’s anonymous, people are much more comfortable engaging and answering questions more honestly,”.

Collecting insights for thought leadership content

Using polls not only helped them validate the assertions that presenters were making in their content, but also collect relevant insights for future blog posts and thought leadership content.

Qualys is excited to use Kahoot! at future events, as well as integrate it into Qualys’ free, hand-ons product training sessions held for their customers around the world.

We can’t wait to see how they use it next! Read more about Kahoot!’s Events plan.