Explore our collection of kahoots and courses to better understand and support neurodivergent learners in the classroom and at home. These resources feature first-hand neurodivergent experiences and were created in collaboration with our partners at Invest in Play, Social Cipher, and Mom’s Belief.
White paper: Designing for inclusion, designing for all
A mindset shift and practical approaches to further your journey toward inclusive design in EdTech.
With a foreword by CAST’s David Rose
Inclusive design is both a mindset and a set of approaches that can be used to create learning experiences that are flexible and adaptable. It doesn’t mean catering to any one diagnosis or way of thinking; rather, it means designing so that everyone can engage with the experience in the way they learn best. In short, designing for neurodivergent learners means better learning for all.
This white paper presents a set of methods that any product design team can start using to make their process and product more inclusive. Along the way we share case studies from our own journey creating Kahoot! Sparks, as well as from other organizations in the LEGO Play for All cohort.
Download the whitepaper