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Kahoot! for higher education


Kahoot! goes beyond being a fun motivation or reward for students. From quick pulse checks to formative assessment and tracking class progress, it can help you capture actionable insights and target instruction in any learning environment.


How Kahoot! powers up assessment in class, virtually and in a blended learning environment


Pre-assess knowledge

Gather insights that will help you plan future lessons in the best possible way, aligned with where a class currently stands.


Review content

Engage students with content review in class and at home and identify topics that need reteaching.


Test practice and prep

Many teachers share that using Kahoot! for test practice and prep helps their students achieve better scores.


Reinforce challenging content

Identify knowledge gaps in your class and fine-tune instruction to reinforce these topics and help students master them.


Power up independent study

Assign student-paced kahoots that learners can complete to study and practice at home or in class.


Insights-driven instruction

Capture valuable analytics from kahoot reports to assess learning outcomes and class progress, and target your instruction.

Teacher Gustavo Lovato
“Analytics are huge! Kahoot! has been really helpful during the pandemic to check in on how students actually feel.”
Gustavo Lovato, AP Spanish and literature teacher
Read success story
“Kahoot! breaks down assessment analytics by class, question, and just about any metric you could imagine.”
Ryan Zamzow, chemistry teacher
Read success story

Key features for review and assessment

Run pulse-checks with quiz, polls and other questions

Collect valuable student feedback that you can act on immediately by using multiple-choice quiz, polls, word clouds and open-ended questions. For example, pre-assess knowledge, get an understanding of students’ expectations, and find out how they’re feeling in general.

Formative assessment

Get actionable insights from reports

Visual reports on live games and student-paced challenges will help you assess how the class performed, identify difficult questions that need followup, and reinforce learning in a targeted way.

Formative assessment

Assess class progress in real time

You can get a snapshot of how your class performed in a kahoot immediately after playing it, which gives you real-time visibility into learning progress.

Formative assessment

Assign student-paced kahoots

In an assigned kahoot, learners see questions and answers on their screen, and they can play both in class and at home. You can turn off the question timer to promote accuracy, which makes this feature particularly helpful for content review.

Formative assessment

Share insights with other educators

With a premium subscription, you can easily share reports with other teachers and admins from your school, giving them visibility into the learning progress.

Formative assessment

Reuse existing kahoots for review

No need to create a new kahoot from scratch! You can duplicate and edit existing kahoots created by other teachers, pull questions from our question bank, or add a few finishing touches to your existing kahoots to optimize them for review.

Formative assessment

Combine several reports

With a Kahoot! EDU subscription, you can combine several reports and see aggregated results. This will help you understand how well your class mastered a topic or series of topics throughout several lessons, or assess combined results across different classes.

Formative assessment

Learn how to use Kahoot! reports for assessment