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Kahoot! for Higher Education

Give every student a voice with Kahoot!

Keep even the largest classes immersed in the lecture by giving every student real-time opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge!

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Turn your lectures into immersive learning experiences with Kahoot!

Already have your lectures created in PowerPoint or other slide format? Then all you need to do is import your slides to Kahoot! or use our PowerPoint integration to transform your lectures into an engaging experience for all students.

Kahoot!’s gamified learning approach offers a unique way to engage every student and increase participation even in a large lecture hall!

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Illustration showing the import slides feature within the Kahoot! platform

Reinforce knowledge with interactive question types

Reinforce lecture content with Kahoot!’s interactive question types (including polls, puzzles, and multiple-choice quiz questions). This will ensure no student feels like they’re falling behind, leading to increased motivation and participation!

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Formative assessment and insights-driven instruction

Kahoot! comes with powerful tools for assessment and insights-driven instruction. From quick pulse checks to formative assessment, Kahoot! can help you capture actionable insights and target instruction in any learning environment.

Read more on assessment 


Trusted by top academic institutions

Fordham Gabelli logo
John Hopkins School of Medicine logo
University of Denver logo
University of Texas Medical Branch logo
University of Westminister logo
West Virginia University logo

Experience Kahoot!

Climate change

Climate change 101

Our world is changing fast as a result of climate change. Learn what is happening and why with Wild Classroom.

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Connect your entire campus or faculty site with Kahoot!

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