The Title I, Part A program is authorized through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and is intended to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families provide high-quality education that enables all children to meet the state student performance standards.
Examples of Kahoot! alignment:
Personalize learning: Get instant feedback from every student in the class with real-time results during a kahoot or after class with advanced reporting. With an overview of each student’s response to every question, teachers can see which questions their students are struggling with to target their teaching and assess progress over time!
Social-emotional learning: Access to different question types such as poll, drop-pin, and open-ended answers, allows teachers to run pulse-checks with their students in a variety of ways. Teachers can have their students match their emotions with images, get a clear understanding of how many students in the class are confident with the material, and encourage discussion amongst the class.
Extend learning beyond the classroom: Assignable kahoots and courses allow students to learn at home and at their own pace. Students can make use of award-winning learning apps and study features like flashcards, practice mode, and study groups that make learning fun and social.
Whole-child education: As a student-led learning platform, Kahoot! encourages collaboration and cooperation through interactive game modes that allow students to create learning experiences together. Students can work individually or in groups to make their own kahoots and share learning with the class.