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Kahoot at ISTELive 2023

Playing, learning, and prizes

Join us for a week filled with live kahoots, PD workshops, and demo sessions!



What's happening at Booth #2734?

Check out the different session topics before and plan your week and to make the most of ISTELive 2023!


#NotatISTE this year?

Tune into our daily livestreams for a chance to make it to the Podium!

Livestream Schedule

Each day, we’ll be broadcasting live sessions from Booth #2734. Tune in here, or check out our YouTube channel for a live chat stream to connect with educators near and far!

Monday, June 26

  • What’s new at Kahoot! with Sean D’Arcy (Vice President of Kahoot! at School) at 10:00am ET
  • How to create an awesome kahoot with Sydney Jones (Customer Success Specialist) at 2:30pm ET
  • Live trivia kahoot with a Kahoot! Ambassador at 5:00pm ET


Tuesday, June 27

  • Understanding neurodiversity with Louisa Rosenheck (Director of Pedagogy) at 11:30am ET
  • Introduction to Kahoot! EDU with Sydney Jones (Customer Success Specialist) at 3:00pm ET
  • Live trivia kahoot with a Kahoot! Ambassador at 4:00pm ET


Wednesday, June 28

  • What’s new at Kahoot! with Sean D’Arcy (Vice President of Kahoot! at School) at 10:30am ET
  • How to create an awesome kahoot with Sydney Jones (Customer Success Specialist) at 12:30pm ET
  • Live trivia kahoot with a Kahoot! Ambassador at 2:00pm ET

Join us live!