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Kahoot! ISTE Seal Webinar

Unlock endless learning possibilities with Kahoot! - now ISTE-certified!

Educators and admins, you’re invited to discover how the ISTE Seal benefits educators and how Kahoot! makes learning awesome each and every day in our upcoming webinar! Join us on November 6 at 07:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST / 4:30 PM CET

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Ready to make learning awesome?

    • Learn the ins and outs of ISTE certification and how a team of educators and admins validate evidence-backed solutions across the globe.
    • Explore how ISTE validations benefit educators.
    • Discover the importance of harnessing the power of e-learning in your classroom.
    • Hear from Kahoot! ambassadors who will discuss how Kahoot! has a positive impact on learning outcomes.  And more!