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Kahoot! around the world, September 3

Here is a roundup of selected news coverage Kahoot! has received in non-English publications around the world.

Cómo potenciar la productividad y el sentimiento de pertenencia de los empleados — James Micklethwait, Dirigentes Digital
Cultivating a positive and healthy working environment has become a greater priority than ever, especially as teams navigate new systems of remote and hybrid work. This requires rethinking the ways in which team members connect and create a sense of company culture. In this article, James Micklethwait, who leads Kahoot! at work, shares his insights into high-impact strategies for boosting employee motivation in the workplace.


CHIPDiese App erobert Schülerherzen: So macht Lernen wieder Spaß — Tanja Sporer, Patrick Hannemann, CHIP
The popular tech magazine CHIP shares how the Kahoot! app helps educators and students bring excitement to the classroom and beyond through playful learning and friendly competition.



Conheça 7 aplicativos úteis para professores — Escola Educação
Kahoot! is named among Escola Educação‘s top picks for apps that support teachers in the classroom and beyond, highlighting the platform’s variety of features for creating unique learning experiences.




kahoot互動式犯罪預防宣導 全班high翻樂搶答Wang Yanhui, HiNet
Junior high school students learn about crime prevention through friendly competition on Kahoot! in an online course hosted by Taichung City Government Police Department.




Kemenkominfo Gelar Sosialisasi Digital Talent Scholarsip di Jabar —
Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information hosted a Kahoot! competition to promote the development of digital skills in West Java.




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