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Kahoot! Golden Ticket

Unlock 30 days of free access to Kahoot!+ Gold

Redeem your Golden Ticket, and get the most advanced all-in-one teaching, learning, review, and assessment toolkit to achieve end-to-end course engagement at your school or university today. Celebrate achievements and earn collective rewards. Welcome to Kahootopia!


Make learning awesome!

Complete the form to redeem your Kahoot!+ Gold free trial and unlock all premium features for 30 days.

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Frequently asked questions

What will happen with my account when the trial expires?

Once the trial expires, your account will go back to a Kahoot! Basic plan. If you would like to continue your Kahoot!+ Gold subscription, please upgrade at the end of the trial period. 

Will I be charged/Is there an upfront cost?

There is no cost and no credit card is needed to access this trial.

I’m currently on a paid Kahoot! plan with several other teachers at my school. What will happen to our shared content if we accept this trial invitation from our school admin?

In order to keep your shared content you must update the email address associated with your account to an email other than the one that will be used for the free trial before accepting the invitation from your school admin