A popular choice for distributed or remote teams, Slack has become even more relevant than ever with the current working from home climate. A key benefit of Slack is the way it facilitates asynchronous connections and workflow, so teams in different locations and time zones are kept up to date and feel part of the wider company culture.

Why use self-paced kahoots with Slack?

Combining Kahoot! with Slack opens up new ways to keep your teams connected. Self-paced kahoots, known as challenges, have the questions and answers shown on the participants’ device, and can be completed at their own pace. By sharing challenges with your employees via Slack, you can deliver convenient e-learning, or culture-building kahoots, with employees or teams working in different time zones, or even entire organizations:

  • Share kahoots for training that teams can complete in their own time. Pro tip: add slides with video to instruct, since you don’t have a live host!
  • Share a kahoot with polls and word clouds to get direct feedback or opinions
  • Share kahoots about team members and company updates for team building and company culture

You can easily share self-paced games directly into Slack channels or direct messages, for team members to access and complete. Or, after playing a live game of Kahoot! with a video conferencing or collaboration tool, you can share the same game afterwards, for team members who couldn’t make it.

How to share a self-paced kahoot in Slack

  1. Find the kahoot you wish to share
  2. Click Play and Create challenge
  3. Set the deadline to complete, and click Create
  4. Share the challenge URL to your desired Slack channel or direct message – don’t forget to tag the right team members, if necessary!
  5. Follow up in the same channel or direct message to remind team members of the deadline set
  6. After the deadline is complete, share results of the challenge with the relevant team members

Are you using Kahoot! with Slack in your company? Share your experience on LinkedIn!