“So much to do, so little time,” – a mantra that echoes in the head of teachers from all walks, environments, and communities. 

Sure, cloning ourselves into robots might sound like the only option when it comes to facilitating more one-on-one interaction with an ever-growing class of students. Kahoot! is one step ahead. With audio integration and read aloud features available within kahoot live games and challenges, the scaffolded instruction, differentiated curriculum, and accessible autonomy is built into your students’ next gaming, learning, and assessment experience. 

Picture this: a full classroom of 30, six-year-old students, all ready and excited to practice vowel sounds and consonant blends after a literacy mini-lesson around the classroom rug. You, the teacher, are rushing around to each student – enthusiastically asking students to match letter-sounds, find word patterns, and build reaching fluency. Chaotic, huh? For sure!

Now, picture this, instead: A full classroom of 30, six-year-old students, all (still) ready and excited to practice vowel sounds, consonant blends, etc., etc., etc. This time is different, though. You, the teacher, have finished a shared reading about a new consonant blend – chair, choose, cheese, champion – you get the idea. You’re excited to meet with a small-group of 3-4 students and embed this new literacy structure into an individualized lesson. While you get right to work with your small group, a kahoot PIN is projected onto your classroom screen. The rest of your class immediately heads to their tables, pulling out 1:1 devices to join the latest assigned kahoot. 

As each student pans through slides of new vocabulary words and picture-specific examples (again, think: chair, cheese, chimpanzee), a quiet murmur spreads across the class. The first student has started a Quiz+Audio question type in their kahoot game.

“Listen to the word,” the speaker says. “Click the answer choice that uses the same beginning sound.”spelling practice activities

Another student starts to drag and drop letter sequences in order to spell “chip” within a Puzzle question.

And another student is deciding between a True or False answer selection as they listen to “Chip, Chip, Chip” again and again – do you hear the ch- sound?

And yet another student is pecking away at their keyboard, typing responses to a Brainstorm question as they consider different ch- words they’ve heard, read, or said.

The timer sings, small-group workshop time is finished. You’ve finished differentiated, individualized learning with your small-group…and with the rest of your autonomous, independent, empowered classroom of students! Now is the perfect opportunity for reflection. Students are eager to share their findings of ch- words, sounding out new vocabulary as the class flips through open-ended responses within the Teacher Report. 

Chaotic? No.

Powerful, playful, and awesome? Yes. 

Kahoot! empowers language learning at every age. Embedding read-aloud directions and voice-to-text guides has never been easier, with 37 different languages available to integrate and use! Quiz+Audio features are available for all Premium, Premium+ and EDU users. 


Try it out yourself! Join us in the next Kahoot! for Schools Webinar on Wednesday, October 27 at 3:00pm EDT/12:00pm PDT!  We’re partnering with Kahoot! Ambassador and Verified Educator, Glenn Cake, to share strategies for language learning and gamified vocabulary enrichment. 

What letters and sounds will you explore in your next kahoot?