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Jonathan Tepper

Executive Director of Information & Learning Technology at Greenwood College School

Jonathan Tepper holds a bachelor degree in Cognitive Science and a master’s degree in Education with a focus on teacher development and knowledge management. During his preservice teaching program he received the James Fair Award at the University of Toronto for demonstrating the skills to perform a service benefiting children for interests in how technology can assist special needs and self paced learning as well as act a student representative on the OISE and Faculty of Education, U of T merger task force. Starting his tenure as a teacher, Jonathan taught computer science and administered the first electronic Ministry of Ontario report card at TDSB. He then moved to The Bishop Strachan School as a Technology Integrator to complete the implementation of a one-to-one laptop program and oversee the adoption of online learning tools in the classroom.

After eight years at The Bishop Strachan School, Jonathan joined Greenwood’s senior leadership team in 2008. He is currently the school’s Executive Director, Information & Learning Technology and acts as one of the school’s privacy officers. In addition to moving the school’s system to the cloud, diversifying infrastructure, consolidating data systems, and pioneering BYOD for students, he has had the wonderful opportunity to be an Adviser, teach senior computer science, and coordinate a reach ahead high school credit, BTT1O, for middle school students at Greenwood.

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