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Kahoot! Golden Ticket

Unlock 30 days of free access to all premium Kahoot! features for all educators and admins

Kahoot! is a world-leading, game-based learning platform, used by over 8 million educators around the world. Bring our all-in-one instruction, assessment, and review toolkit to your course, department, or campus today!

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Make learning awesome together!

Join over 8 million educators using Kahoot! to engage students in lecture halls worldwide.

screenshot of Kahoot! EDU showing the shared workspace for teachers

Are you an educator looking to create your own account to enjoy your 30-day free trial? With Kahoot!, you can:

  • Sign up as an educator or faculty member to elevate instruction with interactive and dynamic feedback question types.
  • Save valuable time on lecture planning with AI-assisted creation tools, and turn PDFs into course material in seconds.

If multiple educators want to try the free 30-day trial, one trial can cover your entire institution! With a campus Kahoot! account, you can:

  • Sign up as an admin or leader and invite other educators with a shareable link.
  • Share and collaborate on teaching resources while leveraging each other’s expertise.
  • Integrate Kahoot! into your LMS to streamline the instruction and learning experience across campus.

Unlock your free access to all premium Kahoot! features

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How you can use Kahoot! at your college or university

Illustration of a laptop srceen displaying the Kahoot! creator

Build 21st-century skills with student passes. Give your students access to the Kahoot! creator to make their own kahoots and share their knowledge with their peers.

Screenshot displaying an advanced Kahoot! report

Incorporate formative assessment with advanced reports to monitor students’ learning. Download and combine reports to see class progress over time.

Tallest tower game screenshots

Boost engagement and collaboration with new interactive game modes that require students to answer questions correctly and work together to complete the games.

Illustration showing a slide within the Kahoot! platform

Introduce new topics with slides and repeated questions that increase learning and keep students engaged and motivated throughout the lecture.

An illustration of a laptop displaying the details about a kahoot live game

Reinforce learning with live and assigned review kahoots to test students’ knowledge of a topic in a fun, engaging, and low-pressure environment before formal assessment.

Screenshot of the join kahoot screen displayed on a laptop screen

Assess existing knowledge with warm-up and recap kahoots to identify which concepts your students are familiar with and those that need more instruction and review.

“We’re integrating Kahoot! into our professional development courses so that faculty can understand the fun of Kahoot! and why students get excited to play. We demonstrate what it’s like from a student’s perspective to help guide them on how to use it from an instructor’s perspective.”
Sarah Whitaker, Senior Manager for Teaching with Technology (TWT) at the Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE.
“I was looking for a way to gamify the class and bring that excitement. Instant feedback on questions is really good, but I use Kahoot! for a lot more than that now.”
Perri Gardner, Associate Professor, Political Science.

Frequently asked questions

What will happen with my account when the trial expires?

Once the trial expires, your account will go back to a Kahoot! Basic plan. If you would like to continue your Kahoot! EDU subscription, please request a quote

Will I be charged/Is there an upfront cost?

There is no cost and no credit card is needed to access this 90-day free trial of Kahoot! EDU.

I’m currently on a paid Kahoot! plan with several other teachers at my school. What will happen to our shared content if we accept this trial invitation from our school admin?

In order to keep your shared content you must update the email address associated with your account to an email other than the one that will be used for the free trial before accepting the invitation from your school admin