App Kahoot! lança versão em português para crescer em assinantes no Brasil — Mobile Time
Kahoot! has made its mobile app more accessible for Brazilian users by launching a Brazilian Portuguese edition.
10 Herramientas para hacer tus propios “quiz” online — El Mundo
El Mundo showcases Kahoot! one of the top tools to create your own virtual quizzes.
Estas son las aplicaciones educativas que lo están petando en los colegios — La Vanguarda
Kahoot! is highlighted as one of the top learning apps in Spain and other markets.
Uzaktan eğitim dijital araçlarla eğlenceli hale geliyor —
Anadolu University trained faculty to review and reinforce content with Kahoot! during distance learning.
El año en donde la tecnología atravesó nuestras vidas — Ámbito
Kahoot! is named one of the most commonly used educational tools during distance learning.
App do dia – Kahoot! — PCGuia
Kahoot! is featured as ‘App of the Day’ after making the mobile app available in Brazilian Portuguese.
Qué.es takes its readers on a tour of the Kahoot! platform’s features, benefits and how users can get started.