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Kahoot! around the world, July 31

Kahoot! newsHere is a roundup of selected news coverage Kahoot! has received in non-English publications around the world.

Oslo Børs snudde i grønt – Kahoot! fortsetter himmelferden — Finansavisen
Kahoot! declared the day’s winner on the Oslo Stock Exchange as its stock value continues to grow.

În România se lansează primul show online de educație financiară: “La Taclale și Parale” —
Romania’s first online financial education show launches with Kahoot! quizzes

Sie sammeln ihr Wissen europaweit — Mannheimer Morgen
Technical high school hosts Kahoot! game as part of their socially distanced graduation ceremony.

10 najbardziej przydatnych stron w internecie, o istnieniu których nie miałeś pojęcia —
Kahoot! named one of the most useful sites on the internet that you may not have heard of.

4 Aplikasi Belajar yang Menyenangkan untuk Buah Hati —
DragonBox, of the Kahoot! family of learning apps, turns math practice into a fun and exciting game.

台中限定!超好玩的美食不設限夏日電影院,讓我們欣賞金獎導演《食物的演化》,探索基改作物背後的神秘色彩!現場還有Kahoot!最新互動體驗,為你留下最完美的夏日觀影回憶。 — WalkerLand
Organizers of a documentary film screen lead attendees in a Kahoot! quiz to foster conversation and engagement.

הזול כלול: תעסוקה לחופש שתשאיר את המשפחה מגובשת ולא מרוששת — XNet
Families can keep the kids entertained this summer with family trivia nights on Kahoot!