Cerca de 2.000 alumnos reforzaron la PAU con el programa pionero a través de Kahoot lanzado por los Institutos de Bachillerato de Petrer — elperiodic.com
In a new initiative to help students reinforce their learning in preparation for the university entrance exams, known as the PAU exams, three schools in Valencia–the IES Azorín, the IES La Canal and the IES Poeta Paco Mollá–partnered to offer practice learning content on Kahoot!. 2,000 students have taken part in the initiative, and the program is expected to expand in other regions.
DragonBox School, del uruguayo Frasca, destacada en Noruega por innovación en educación — Montevideo
Gonzalo Frasca, PhD, discusses new research on his work at DragonBox, a member of the Kahoot! family of learning platforms, which takes math learning to the next level both in the classroom and at home.
Interaktív óra és vetélkedő várta a diákokat Szolnokon — SZOLJON
The Szolnok SZC Commercial and Hospitality Technical School and Vocational Training School hosted an educational event focused on financial literacy, which concluded with a Kahoot! competition to apply their knowledge.
Educación digital: las ventajas de la gamificación en clases — Marketing4eCommerce
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, Kahoot! and Kahoot! Ambassador educators highlighted the top 5 benefits of implementing technology and learning through play with platforms like Kahoot!.
Plataformas que simulam salas de aula podem aliviar a fadiga do Zoom — Metrópoles
Metrópoles recommends educators introduce Kahoot! in their virtual classrooms to add interactivity and encourage active participation in class.
全球教育游戏化市场进入海量模式 预计2027年将达到41.4497亿美元 — XYTest
Kahoot! is named as a leading company in gamification of learning, also spotlighting its acquisition of the Drops language learning platform and introduction of language learning content from Drops on the Kahoot! platform.
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