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Kahoot! around the world, June 19

Kahoot! newsHere is a roundup of selected news coverage Kahoot! has received in non-English publications around the world.

«Antes pensaba que ir al cole era un poco rollo, pero está muy bien» — El Norte de Castilla
Kahoot! helps make virtual learning fun and engaging during continued school closures.

Mladi briljirali u Evropskom kvizu novca: Među 28 zemalja, našla se i Srbija — Telegraf Biznis
Kahoot! hosted the final of the virtual European Money Quiz 2020, with teen contestants from 28 European countries.

Alternativas para que docentes apliquen en la enseñanza virtual — El Universo
College faculty recommend Kahoot! to make assessment simpler and more engaging during virtual learning.

Skal sommerfesten avholdes over Teams også nå da? —
Kahoot! helps make this university’s virtual summer gathering a success.

Thầy giáo đưa công nghệ thông tin đến với học trò — Giaoduc Vietnam
Teachers use Kahoot! to reinforce student learning, create assessments, and gather students’ feedback.

TEDxBUV: “Press Play” – Chương trình diễn thuyết tầm cỡ quốc tế mang đậm dấu ấn sinh viên — KENH 14
TEDxBUV makes presentations interactive and engaging with Kahoot!