Kahoot! artık Türkçe dil desteği de sunmaya başladı — Posta
In an exclusive interview with Posta, Sean D’arcy, who leads Kahoot! at school and home, shares how Kahoot! is making learning awesome by offering the mobile app in Turkish to better connect and engage users globally.
Kahoot!: cómo usar esta herramienta básica para los profesores en plena era digital — Informativos Telecinco
Informativos Telecinco is featuring Kahoot! as a popular digital learning platform that has become a must-have tool for many classrooms globally, as well as a platform for families and friends to connect and have fun learning together, whether in-person or virtually.
Genel Kültür Bilgisine Güvenenler için Trivia Crack Benzeri 9 Mobil Oyun — Webtekno
Webtekno showcases Kahoot! as one of the best, and the most highly-rated, apps to play trivia and support learning with friends and family or independently. With Kahoot!, users can expand their knowledge of any subject by choosing from the millions of ready-to-play learning games on Kahoot!, or creating their own learning games in minutes.
Un día con el concienzudo Pablo Díaz antes de ir a Pasapalabra: sus horas de estudio y sus ‘vicios’ — El Español
Pablo Diaz, champion of Spanish television game show Pasapalabra, talks streaming weekly Kahoot! trivia games for his 42,000 followers.
Para Google no existe la ‘nueva normalidad’ en educación — Expansión
Expansión reports on Google’s recent announcement of new innovations for Google Classroom, including add-ons, which will make it easier than ever for educators to access learning content and resources from partners such as Kahoot!.
Digitales Lernen: Die Chance auf einen Milliarden-Markt — Finanzen.net
In an analysis of the digital learning sector as a growing investment opportunity, Finanzen.net shines a light on the innovative learning games available for young learners on Kahoot!.
De 5 beste Android-apps en games van de week – Editie #24 2021 — Android Planet
Kahoot! is named one of the top five apps and games for the week by Android Planet, featuring it as one of the best platforms to host game nights with family and friends. The review also highlights the app’s recent addition of Dutch language support.
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