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Kahoot! around the world, May 1

Kahoot! news Here is a roundup of selected news coverage Kahoot! has received in non-English publications around the world.

เลื่อนเปิดเทอม : เด็กในสหราชอาณาจักรเรียนอย่างไรช่วงล็อกดาวน์ — BBC (Thai)
Teachers use Kahoot! and other tools to help children learn, connect, and have fun during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Parroquias de Almería lanzan un concurso en redes para seguir la catequesis en casa ante las comuniones — Europa Press (Spanish)
Parishes in Almería are hosting a weekly trivia contest to allow children to continue studying for First Communion at home

Soirée de jeux en confinement — CBC Radio-Canada (French)
Bistro le Moque-Tortue is bringing the local community together for online quizzes with Kahoot!

Aplicativo para aula online: 5 opções para estudar e ensinar pelo cellular
TechTudo (Portuguese)
Kahoot! complements classes and stimulates learning with interactive quiz games, great for both individual and group play.

El Centro Europe Direct de la Diputaciónlanza el concurso #EuropaEnCasa
CADENA 100 (Spanish)
Kahoot! hosts the #EuropaEnCasa contest Grand Final with trivia questions on the
European Union.

Parroquias deAlmería lanzan concurso ‘CasaQuesis’ para seguir la catequesis — La Vanguadia (Spanish)
Priests launch weekly virtual catechism contest for kids on Kahoot!

Herramientasindispensables para profesores y estudiantes — El Colombiano (Spanish)
Make learning and evaluating quick and entertaining in a gamified presentation with Kahoot!

Tips Mengajar Agar SiswaAktif Mengikuti E-Learning Selama Pandemi — (Indonesian)
Use platforms like Kahoot! to increase student participation with interactive learning games.