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Kahoot! around the world, May 15

Kahoot! newsHere is a roundup of selected news coverage Kahoot! has received in non-English publications around the world.

Colegio Infantes de Toledo seguirá celebrando su fiesta de mayo pasando sus actividades a formato online — 20 Minutos
School continues its May festival during lockdown with virtual Kahoot! games.

Tổng hợp những game mobile giá cực “chát” nhưng đang được miễn phí, có một siêu phẩm RPG Fantasy — GameK
DragonBox Numbers, offered free to download in May, makes it easy and fun for children to develop a visual understanding of numbers.

Brouwerij van Honsebrouck lanceert online quiz met acteur Sam Louwyck — HLN
Local brewery launches a 3-week online quiz tournament.

Coronavirus.- Unos 5.000 alumnos siguen online las clases en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Málaga — 20 Minutos
Language school uses Kahoot! to keep students on track during school closures.

La graduación informal a través de la pantalla de los estudiantes de Marketing de la UGR — Ideal
University students play Kahoot! quizzes during their virtual graduation celebration.

Cómo mejorar tus videoconferencias — Expansión
Public speaking expert recommends using Kahoot! to hold audiences’ attention during presentations.

Így szórakozzunk a négy fal között! – Tippek karantén idejére —
Families and friends can stay connected and have fun together during lockdown by playing Kahoot!

Los Cincinnati Bengals explotan su creatividad en reuniones virtuales — ESPN Deportes
The Cincinnati Bengals play Kahoot! games to stay connected and continue their training from home.

Dansk tegnsprogsdag i coronaens tid — DR
To celebrate Sign Language Day, the Danish Sign Language Department teamed up with the Danish Deaf’s National Association to host a Kahoot! quiz competition.

الفيروس التاجي كورونا والتعليم من المنزل بقلم:عمر النوري — Donia Al-Watan
Kahoot! quizzes make student assessment easy for teachers during school closures.

“Planeación de clase en línea es todo un reto” — Yahoo! Noticias
Teachers use Kahoot! quizzes to keep their online classes dynamic and engaging.

Stulecie urodzin Jana Pawła II. Uroczystości i specjalna ramówka TVP — TVP3 Kielce
Diocese celebrates the centenary of Pope John Paul II’s birth with a Kahoot! trivia contest.

Enseignement à distance dans les universités et les cégeps : le jeu pour faciliter l’apprentissage — The Conversation
Kahoot! makes it easy for teachers to keep students engaged virtually by gamifying classes.