El potencial de los videojuegos como herramienta educativa del siglo XXI — 3D Juegos
DragonBox Elements teaches children geometry in a dynamic and engaging way.
Nit dels Museus virtual amb DJ — SEGRE.com
City celebrates International Museum Day with the #MuseumQuizACasa challenge via Kahoot!
Aplikasi manajemen pembelajaran efektif untuk pembelajaran daring — ANTARAsumsel
Kahoot! quizzes make student assessment dynamic and engaging.
Как сделать дистанционное образование удобным — RG.RU
Teachers can easily add game elements to virtual lessons with Kahoot!
La Delegación de Juventud celebra este fin de semana el XV Día Friki — Viva Cádiz
City Council Youth Delegation celebrates Geek Day with a Kahoot! quiz contest.
На Хмельниччині провели онлайн-конкурс з краєзнавства серед школярів: Вже відомі імена переможців — Depo.ua
Regional historical and cultural center hosts online Kahoot! championship to quiz students on local history.
¿Qué es el microlearning y qué ventajas tiene para los usuarios y las empresas? — 20 Minutos
Kahoot! adds gamification to microlearning in workplace learning and development.
VP VoetbalQuiz #12: wat weet jij over stadions? — Voetbal Primeur
Football club fansite hosts the twelfth edition of their live virtual quiz on Kahoot!
Ağrı’da lise öğrencilerine yönelik “Online Bilgi Yarışması” — Akit
National Education Directorate organizes an online quiz contest for high school students with Kahoot!
Tem a certeza que sabe usar a máscara corretamente? Teste os seus conhecimentos e ponha as crianças a jogar — FLASH
Pharmaceutical engineering students design a Kahoot! quiz to help schools educate students about the correct use of personal protective equipment.
De la villa al mundo digital: cómo es la red de escuelas que abre puertas en barrios vulnerables aún en la pandemia — infobae
Teachers engage students at home with friendly competition in Kahoot! quizzes.