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Kahoot! around the world, October 23

Kahoot! newsHere is a roundup of selected news coverage Kahoot! has received in non-English publications around the world.

IAJ impulsa una experiencia de realidad virtual para concienciar a los jóvenes en la lucha contra la violencia de género — 20minutos
Youth institute uses Kahoot! in its new initiative to educate young people about ending gender violence.

「天际汽车」完成超50亿人民币新一轮融资,腾讯领投、猿辅导等跟投「火花思维」1亿美元E2轮融资|全球投融资周报|睿兽分析 — Sina Finance
Kahoot! raised $215 million in new equity from completing a private placement to SoftBank.

Обзор технологических стартапов в образовании за прошедшую неделю —
Kahoot! is highlighted among edtech startups after SoftBank’s recent investment.

Los 5 grandes beneficios de jugar a videojuegos durante la pandemia de coronavirus — Antena 3 TV
DragonBox’s fun and engaging math activities make playing video games educational for children.

El CEO de Microsoft anticipa el futuro de la educación en una conferencia de Telefónica — iProfessional
Popular learning platform Blended integrates Kahoot! for over 600 educational institutions.

#DreptulLaBanking lansează sezonul doi al emisiunii de educație financiară “La Taclale și Parale” — Stirile Pro TV
The DreptulLaBanking platform is launching season 2 of its financial education quiz show with Kahoot!

El CSIC te invita a más de 140 actividades durante la Semana de la Ciencia — CSIC
Primary school students will learn about the job of a scientist in a virtual Kahoot! Game, hosted by the CSIC Delegation in the Balearic Islands.