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Kahoot! around the world, October 9

Kahoot! newsHere is a roundup of selected news coverage Kahoot! has received in non-English publications around the world.

Kahoot ansetter Visma-topp som salgssjef — Shifter
Kahoot! appoints Mads Rebsdorf as Chief Revenue Officer.

Mahasiswa UNY Lakukan Penelitian Efektivitas Penerapan Blended Learning — Times of Indonesia
Kahoot! is used to support hybrid classrooms and a blended learning approach.

Utiliza esta aplicación para aprender jugando — El Universal
Follow this step-by-step guide to using Kahoot! in the classroom or at home.

Distrito abre curso virtual y gratuito de investigación pedagógica para profesores — El Espectador
Teachers from all over Latin America are invited to join a free virtual course that introduces how Kahoot! can support distance learning.

Quiz online erstellen und spielen: Drei gute Tools — CHIP
Kahoot! is named a top tool for playing and creating your own quizzes online.

Nueva función en esta aplicación para que puedan competir y aprender hasta 100 estudiantes — Diario Del Sur
Kahoot! Study Leagues enable students to connect, learn and play while social distancing.

Dalyvauti protmūšiuose – neišėjus iš namų — Delfi
Weekly themed Kahoot! competitions offer excitement and fun during social distancing.

Casi COVID a scuola, linee guida su come gestirli e attivazione didattica distanza nella scuola Primaria: modello da scaricare —
Kahoot! supports and enhances distance learning for primary school students.

【百萬小學堂線上版】互動問答遊戲 Kahoot! 斥資千萬美金,再拓企業教育市場 — BuzzOrange
Kahoot! acquires Actimo to expand its corporate learning offering.

Intesa Sanpaolo, Museo del Risparmio: al via ricco programma di eventi —
Museum celebrates Financial Education Month with a Kahoot! contest for kids.