Gründeren i havgapet — NRK
Kahoot! co-founder Johan Brand discusses the game-based learning company’s journey to becoming a global learning platform.
海外中文教育:异国他乡 师生情深 — Sina
Teacher uses Kahoot! to bring fun and excitement to Chinese language lessons in Thailand.
De cámaras a dispositivos para el rastreo de contactos: las soluciones tecnológicas de una vuelta al cole en pandemia — EL PAÍS
Teachers can use Kahoot! to capture students’ attention while they learn from home.
Herramientas digitales para tener engachados a los alumnos en la escuela (o en casa) — The Conversation
Kahoot! enhances learning for students in classroom-based and distance learning contexts.
Ayni educativo, el proyecto peruano que busca convertirse en el primer colegio virtual gratuito del país — La República
A newly-developed free virtual school uses Kahoot! to build a system of game-based learning.
Aprender desde casa: Herramientas que puedes encontrar en Google Play — Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur names Kahoot! one of the top learning-at-home apps on Google Play.
App per giocare in due — Salvatore Aranzulla
Kahoot! makes the perfect app to play with a friend with options for live games and self-paced challenges.
Cómo afrontan las universidades el desafío de la educación virtual en tiempos de pandemia — El Universo
University faculty trains in using Kahoot! to support distance learning.