¿Cómo evaluar a los estudiantes en época de COVID-19? — MSN News
Kahoot! reinforces learning content and facilitates virtual student evaluation during school closures.
Kahoot!, juegos educativos para mejorar las clases online, ahora en español — Hipertextual
The launch of the Kahoot! mobile app in Spanish is hailed as a win for Spanish-speaking students and teachers during distance learning.
La apuesta por el español de la plataforma Kahoot para aprender con juegos — Crónica Global
Spanish-speaking educators welcome the release of the Kahoot! mobile app in Spanish.
Qué es Kahoot! y cómo crear un cuestionario con él — Xataka
A step-by-step guide to creating learning games and engaging assessments for students with Kahoot!
KKN UNEJ Menciptakan Strategi Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Online Saat Pandemi — Kompasiana
Teacher training program introduces educators to using Kahoot! in the classroom.
Kahoot! ya disponible en español: la app para aprender jugando — El Androide Libre
Kahoot! is featured as a must-have app for Spanish-speaking Android users.
Школа в условиях COVID-19: как повысить продуктивность? Советы экспертов из США — Liga.net
Teachers can boost their students’ productivity and engagement with Kahoot! learning games.
79 recursos educativos online y apps de apoyo en casa para la vuelta al cole — Xataka
Kahoot! Academy offers a wealth of educational resources for teachers this back-to-school season.
Нам и тут хорошо. Как мы наносим Йошкар-Олу на IT-карту России — Habr.com
Kahoot! brings interactivity to the growing IT developer community.
Ohjelmaa häihin – viihdyttävää, ei puuduttavaa! — Kotiliesi
Kahoot! Events edition made this wedding reception a party to remember.