Employees sitting at a conference table in a meeting

As we move into the second half of the year, setting and aligning H2 goals becomes crucial for maintaining momentum and ensuring that everyone in the team is on the same page. Traditional goal-setting meetings can often feel monotonous and disengaging, leading to a lack of enthusiasm and commitment. With Kahoot!, you can transform your goal-setting sessions into fun, interactive, and highly engaging experiences.


Here’s my advice on how to succeed with goal-setting sessions


Get set up for collaboration

An important first step when planning your session is to weave interactivity throughout the session’s structure. This step is a time to look at the big picture of how you want your team involved in the session and what you want to accomplish. To get started planning an effective collaborative session – or any meeting – try our new team meeting template to set up your session for success and ensure focus and interactivity from beginning to end.

Team in a meeting playing Kahoot!.

Start with an icebreaker 

I like to kick off our goal-setting sessions – any meetings – with an icebreaker quiz to get everyone energized. Create a kahoot with fun, light-hearted questions about recent team achievements, individual milestones, or interesting trivia about your industry. This not only sets a positive tone but also helps team members bond and feel more comfortable contributing to the discussion.

Review past performance

Before diving into new goals, it’s essential to review past performance. I like giving an interactive presentation that covers the highlights from the past strategy period.  Our new add-in makes it super-easy to import my PowerPoint or Google slides to the Kahoot! platform, and I then add some interactive questions in between slides, i.e. a poll or a word cloud, to give my audience a voice and do a pulse check. I also reinforce my key points with quiz questions – this has been scientifically proven to make them stick!

This interactive review allows my team members to actively recall important information, fostering a deeper understanding of where we stand and what needs to be addressed moving forward.

Kahoot! Brainstorm

Collaborative goal setting

After discussing the broader objectives, we break the team into smaller groups and have each group brainstorm potential goals. With the help of AI, the Kahoot! platform sorts similar ideas automatically, increasing the efficiency of the session! Then, each group presents their ideas using a Kahoot! survey where all team members can vote on the most relevant and impactful goals. This democratic approach ensures that everyone’s voice is heard and helps in building a collective commitment to the chosen goals.

Track progress and celebrate milestones

Once the goals are set, we use Kahoot! to create periodic check-ins and progress reviews. This keeps the goal-setting dynamic alive throughout H2, maintaining high levels of engagement and motivation.

This is how I make not only the process of goal setting more enjoyable but also fosters a sense of involvement and ownership among my team members. 

So, embrace the power of Kahoot! and make your next goal-setting session a memorable and productive one.

The brainstorming function is available through our Kahoot! 360 Presenter plan and higher plans. Get started with brainstorming and planning today!