Starting conversations with students about making smart and healthy choices is important, as informed kids make better decisions. As kids grow and become more independent, providing them with information they need to stay safe and healthy is crucial. Making it engaging, however, is not always easy. This is why I’m excited to share that Kahoot! is partnering with to launch a new collection of kahoots based on their underage drinking prevention program, Ask, Listen, Learn!’s mission is to eliminate underage drinking, drunk and impaired driving, and guide conversations about alcohol responsibility and safety. Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix provides a free digital learning platform designed for kids ages 9–13. Now, we’re joining forces to combine Ask, Listen, Learn’s science- and evidence-based resources with the energizing experience of Kahoot!, to bring these important conversations to life in classrooms and homes to help keep kids alcohol- and substance-free!
Engaging minds to foster healthy brains and bodies
In this new collection of kahoots, students can learn about the brain, what each part of the brain does, how it works, and the effect of alcohol and marijuana on its development in order to understand the “why” behind saying “NO.” Start each kahoot with an animated video to learn about the functions of the brain. After each educational video, challenge students with interactive and engaging kahoot questions to aid in learning comprehension. These questions can encourage discussion and deeper thinking, as well as ensuring that the knowledge sticks.
“Ask, Listen, Learn’s resources are designed to reach students at a critical point in their development, providing accurate information and preventive tools from an early age, empowering them to say “NO” to harmful choices like underage drinking and underage marijuana use,” says Erin O’Malley, principal, St. Theresa Catholic School, Ashburn, VA, and Education Advisory Board Member. “As a principal, I’ve seen how effective Kahoot! can be in engaging both teachers and students, providing a fun and interactive way to enhance learning. With Ask, Listen, Learn’s content emphasizing the impact on the developing brain, Kahoot! is a terrific platform to start the conversation about the dangers of underage drinking and underage marijuana use.”