When Kahoot!’s journey started, we chose to address the classroom first. However, since then, the Kahoot! movement has gone beyond a school setting. Today, Kahoot! is played by learners of all ages in diverse social contexts, including more than a million corporate employees that use Kahoot! for corporate training every month.

Over the past few months, we’ve been working on something special to tailor the Kahoot! experience for workplace superheroes. Meet Kahoot! Plus, a new version of our platform that we developed for awesome organizations that want to unlock the magic of learning.

Kahoot! Plus: make training awesome in organizations

What’s wrong with corporate training?

In a recent survey, we asked 550+ corporate trainers about the challenges they face. Over 40% said they struggled with low engagement and uncertainty about learning impact in their sessions.

Businesses are spending more than ever on training: according to Training Mag’s annual report, training spend has surpassed $70 billion in the U.S. alone. But trainees frequently complain that sessions are uninspiring, unengaging and unmemorable.

Boring, inefficient training? Never again!

Learning unleashed in the workplace

Kahoot! Plus makes your sessions more interactive and dynamic, engages your team members and turns training into something they look forward to! Bring joy and competition to unleash the superhero learner in everyone, no matter their age and profession. It’s like Kahoot! for big kids that are passionately curious to learn, enjoy learning together and having fun along the way.

So, would you like your training sessions and presentations to keep everyone on the edge of their seats? We can help you find the recipe for that. Kahoot! Plus includes a whole bunch of advanced features that will support you in creating engaging games.

Help keep Kahoot! free for schools

More than just features, Kahoot! is used by millions of teachers and students to make learning awesome. By signing up for Kahoot! Plus, you and your organization will help keep our game-based learning platform free for schools all over the globe.

Awesome extras that add “plus” to Kahoot! Plus

Kahoot! Plus has some new features that will make it easier for organizations to work together on awesome learning games:

  • Private, secure organization area where you create and share kahoots with peer trainers;
  • Branding options: make the games yours by adding your organization’s logo to them.
  • Advanced game reports: how many answers were correct in each game, which question was the easiest and which was the toughest, what the final leaderboard looks like, and more data insights.
  • Examples of kahoots to help you get started and inspire you for your first games;
  • Priority customer support is another “plus” you can take advantage of;
  • Limited offer – mobile challenges: assign kahoots as “homework” so that your team members can complete their training remotely.

Get started today

Read more about Kahoot! Plus, sign up for a free trial and start inviting your colleagues! We have a limited offer with a special launch price, so hurry up to take advantage of it!

Let’s Kahoot!