Kahoot! hace más accesible el autoestudio gracias a su nueva opción d...
Ahora la app de Kahoot! puede leer preguntas y respuestas en voz alta. Esta nueva función gratuita está disponible en los desafíos y los...
Learn moreI joined Kahoot! in early 2017 to lead the mobile apps team, and it’s been quite a ride ever since! Prior to Kahoot!, I worked at Opera Software – it was a 10-year journey from an engineering intern to a product lead.
I lived in 4 different countries and went to school in 3 of them. I love making apps, but in addition to that, I also like skiing and playing soccer. Still haven’t decided what boosts my competitive spirit more – playing soccer or Kahoot!
Ahora la app de Kahoot! puede leer preguntas y respuestas en voz alta. Esta nueva función gratuita está disponible en los desafíos y los...
Learn moreDie Kahoot!-App kann Fragen und Antwortmöglichkeiten jetzt auch vorlesen. Diese neue kostenlose Spieloption steht in Challenges und Lernmodi in 37 Sprachen zur Verfügung. So...
Learn moreThe Kahoot! app can now read aloud questions and answer alternatives. Available in 37 languages within challenges and study modes with this new, free...
Learn moreWe’re excited to announce that we’ve integrated Kahoot! with Bitmoji to make it easy for teachers to bring more engagement to their virtual classrooms....
Learn moreNos complace anunciar que hemos integrado Kahoot! con Bitmoji para facilitar a los maestros la tarea de conseguir un mayor compromiso en sus aulas...
Learn moreCon la nueva función gratuita de ligas de estudio de la app de Kahoot!, los estudiantes pueden aprender juntos de una manera interesante y...
Learn moreWith the new, free study leagues feature within the Kahoot! app, learners can study together in an engaging and fun way, compete and connect...
Learn moreNew Apple Schoolwork 2.0 features make teaching with Kahoot! even more awesome
Learn moreComing for back-to-school 2020, study leagues in the Kahoot! app will reimagine the concept of study groups: competition will make studying with peers fun,...
Learn moreWith the new study modes in our app for iOS and Android, learners can study at home using flashcards, practice, test games and peer-to-peer...
Learn moreIn addition to adding photos and images, now you can also add drawings and edit images when creating kahoots in our app on iOS...
Learn moreWith the new smart practice feature in our app, students can ace difficult questions from previously played kahoots, remember content better, and also collect...
Learn more