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Kahoot!+ Max for personal use is the all-in-one solution for hosting awesome get-togethers with friends and family, engaging kids in learning to read and basic math skills, as well as a complete study toolkit. Join millions of users making learning engaging at home today!

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Max out on fun learning with Kahoot!

Host get-togethers that create lasting memories, engage your kids, and access a complete study toolkit for lifelong learning.

Group of friends sitting on a sofa looking at a laptop screen

Instant fun!

Single- or multi-player trivia quizzes, remote or together. Kahoot! has you covered!
Start exploring

A child using a tablet computer

Engage your kids

Math! Reading! Numbers! Quizzes! Give your kids the gift of awesome learning with Kids!
Discover Kahoot! kids

A group of people sat in an outdoor terrace area clapping

Be The Quizmaster!

Create kahoots for your parties and events, for social gatherings and for connecting remotely.
Start creating

A man and a woman holding their phones

Power-up your learning!

Take courses on your own or with friends and experience the power of Kahoot! for learning and study.
Study with Kahoot!

Unlock your 1 year free access to Kahoot!+ Max

Access premium ready-to-play content
for a great evening together with Kahoot!+