Kahoot! for businesses solution brief
This solution brief will give you all the essential information to define whether Kahoot! for businesses is the right fit for your company.
Download brief (PDF - 148 KB)To incorporate reflection and playful learning, try these two SEL Kahoot! Courses – full class sessions combining different content formats to make learning engaging!
This solution brief will give you all the essential information to define whether Kahoot! for businesses is the right fit for your company.
Download brief (PDF - 148 KB)Download company presentations that were held in 2018.
Dec 17, 2018 Sep 21, 2018 June 6, 2018Whether you're making learning awesome in the classroom, or around the world - assigning kahoots ensure self-paced, student-driven learning for players and students alike!...
Download the guide (PDF - 791 KB)