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15 Jan 2016

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Kahoot of the day: Martin Luther King

As Martin Luther King, Jr Day approaches, we’ve been looking at how people in our community use Kahoot! for discussion, reflection and inspiration. Our Kahoot of the Day, “How Much Do You Know About Martin Luther King, Jr?” is just the right fit for doing just that.

Using Kahoot! to learn about a more serious subject like Civil Rights takes some thought and careful planning, but when done right can make for very powerful learning experiences and fruitful discussion. Here is what we thought worked well about today’s Kahoot of the Day: How Much Do You Know About Martin Luther King, Jr? by nekyaHB.

​1. The tone is appropriate to the subject

Sometimes the bouncy celebratory feel of the Kahoot! music just isn’t the right fit – but it doesn’t mean that you have to do away with the powerful learning opportunities that come with using Kahoot!. In this case, Kahoot!’er nekyaHB has used a clip from the film Selma with powerful music and imagery to set the scene.

​2. The kahoot tells a story

There is a natural flow to the questions, building from his birth through to high school, family life, and finally his pivotal role in the Civil Rights movement. Using a classic storytelling structure – whether it’s a “Hero’s Journey” storyline or a chronological sequence of events – is an excellent way of helping learners retain facts and insights.

Martin Luther King Kahoot storytelling

TOP TIP: Use subtle cues in the kahoot to have a discussion about the subject. For example, while you might quickly step through the questions about King’s early childhood, questions about bus boycotts and King’s famous speech are excellent opportunities to explore further as a group.

Discussion kahoot about Martin Luther King

3. It’s blended with other learning resources

This kahoot is designed to be a natural follow-on to a Bio video about Martin Luther King, Jr – an excellent example of gaining deeper knowledge of a subject by looking at it from different angles and multiple media types.

Tips for playing or adapting this kahoot:

  • Embed video clips from AP Archive on YouTube – there you’ll find an incredible collection of moving, inspiring and heartrending videos, including clips from TV news announcements on the day of King’s death.
  • Use this kahoot as a prompt to delve into wider discussions about Civil Rights and about how much the world has changed thanks to great leaders and influential figures like King.

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