The following kahoots have already been played by over 120,000 Kahoot!’ers! and are among our most popular Valentines quizzes.
Test your knowledge with a Valentine’s Day quiz!
We have chosen a few of the best Valentine’s Day kahoots to play with your friends or family. Check them out in this blog post or find other Valentine’s Day quizzes to play among 14.6 million public kahoots.

What do we know about Valentine's Day?
We even found a Valentine’s Day Kahoot in the brand new Jumble game format. In this game you win when you manage to sort the answers in the right order:

Valentines Jumble
14 questions to celebrate Valentines Day
If you are into fun math games, this one will be perfect for Valentine’s Day. The quiz combines both math and Valentine’s Day trivia into one awesome quiz:

Valentine's Math Game 1
Valentines Math Questions!
From all of us at Kahoot!:
Happy Valentine’s Day!