Kahoot! is a global learning platform that makes learning fun, engaging, and impactful, both at school and at home, through an interactive, game-based experience. It is trusted by millions of educators to engage students of any age, teach interactive lessons, facilitate distance and blended learning, and assess learning outcomes.
Making learning awesome is even more impactful when you do it together as a team! Since we introduced collaboration solutions into our product back in 2018, more than 10,000 educational institutions around the world have deployed Kahoot! site licenses to connect their staff across departments, schools, districts colleges, or universities, and help them save time.
To give admins, technology specialists and school leaders tools and control they need to connect and elevate teachers with Kahoot!, we’re happy to introduce Kahoot! EDU, our new, most advanced and scalable offering for education.
Bring the Kahoot! experience to every physical or virtual classroom in your school or district
Kahoot! EDU provides admins, technology specialists and schools leaders with an easy way to scale and structure Kahoot! usage while delivering impactful learning experiences in any environment – classroom, distance or blended learning. It includes the following set of features:
- Easily onboard staff with a site license;
- Equip every teacher with versatile tools for distance and blended learning (all features included in our Premium+ plan for teachers);
- Increase student engagement and participation with interactive lessons;
- Assess learning progress with advanced analytics, including combined reports over time;
- Get extended admin controls to optimize Kahoot! usage and assign several admins to manage the account;
- Create a private team space to organize learning content created and shared by teachers;
- Set up an unlimited number of teacher groups for more targeted collaboration.
Elevating everyone involved in the learning process
Here’s how Kahoot! EDU will add value for those involved in the learning process on all levels:
Empowering and connecting teachers in any learning environment
With a Kahoot! EDU subscription, teachers get access to all features that help provide an engaging game-based learning experience for their students. The versatile teaching toolkit, including interactive lessons and advanced formative assessment analytics, can be easily integrated into any learning environment.

Teachers can easily import their existing slides to create interactive lessons.
In addition to creating their own learning content, teachers can save time by sharing kahoots across groups. This feature is a flexible way to share content with colleagues teaching the same topics, subjects, and grades. Teachers can create an unlimited number of groups with unlimited members from your school and externally – for example, other schools in the district.

Groups allow teachers to share content with colleagues at their school and externally.
Teachers can also choose from over 60 million existing, ready-to-use kahoots on our platform. This includes kahoots from Verified educators and Premium partners within Kahoot! Academy, for example, our latest collection focused on social and emotional learning (SEL).

Teachers can access 60 million existing kahoots from the Discover page.
Engaging students in class at home
Kahoot! EDU increases student engagement through interactive lessons, and helps connect and motivate them both in class and at home.

Kahoots can be hosted live in class or virtually, or assigned as student-paced challenges.
Providing control and visibility to admins and technology specialists
As an admin or technology specialist, you can easily deploy Kahoot! at scale and set up an easy to use system for teachers to share their content. Kahoot! EDU provides granular control over the platform usage across the school, and allows you to assign multiple admins to your school’s account.

Kahoot! EDU makes it easy to invite more teachers and gives an overview of Kahoot! usage.
Helping school leaders create a positive learning environment
Kahoot! EDU helps school leaders foster a positive learning environment whether instruction happens in class, virtually or in a blended format, strengthen the school culture, and conduct engaging professional development.
Best practices of implementing a Kahoot! site license
By using a Kahoot! site license, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), UAE, successfully connected and onboarded 800+ teachers across 16 campuses. Read this article where Sarah Whittaker, Manager for Teaching with Technology, shares HCT’s experience and recommendations for other education institutions.
Connect your entire school or district with an enhanced Kahoot! experience! Read more about Kahoot! EDU for school & district and Kahoot! EDU for higher education, and get started today.