2. Create a safe and welcoming environment for students by fostering interactivity and making it easy and fun for all students to participate. Dozens of studies have shown that Kahoot! lowers student anxiety, as the elements of play and social learning create a more positive class atmosphere. Many learning games on Kahoot! Academy also invite students to share how they’re feeling and help build social-emotional skills, including from Disney and Pixar, Empatico, Peppy Pals, Peekapak and more.
3. Save your precious time by using high-quality, ready-to-play kahoots from other best-in-class, Verified educators on Kahoot! Academy. Search and filter for exactly what you need, including by subject, level, author and language. We have also put together a collection of ice-breakers and templates to ensure your back-to-school is as awesome as you are.
4. Share ideas and find support by connecting with other educators through the Kahoot! Academy community. Follow the profiles you love (including your favorite publishers) and be the first to get notified when a new kahoot is created, a lesson is updated with new and engaging content, or a message is shared with the community.
5. Address current, relevant and sensitive topics such as social and emotional learning (SEL), climate change, gender equality and inclusion and diversity in a way that is safe and reliable. You can also keep your kids current through the fun, free, “kid approved” News of the Week collection, which is updated every week.
6. Close gaps in student knowledge by using the free reports tool to assess each student’s progress individually, as well as the entire class collectively, in real-time. These free reports can help you get each student back to where they should be and more quickly.

7. Build your own learning community by joining thousands of others in becoming a Verified educator! When you become verified, not only will you gain more credibility and trust within the wider education community but you will also receive a special Kahoot! Academy Verified educator profile and badge that can be seen and recognized by millions around the world!
This new profile will include a profile picture and background, the total number of plays, players and kahoots, a ”Featured kahoots” section with filters, an “About” section to share more about you and your accomplishments and a ”Community” section that allows users to follow you. You will be able to send messages to your followers, and they will automatically be notified of any new kahoots you create.
Learn more about how you can become a Verified educator.
No matter where or how you’re teaching this year, we want you to know that we think you are awesome! We appreciate everything you do for your students, families and communities, and we wish you the very best back-to-school experience yet! Bring on class of 2021-2022. You got this!