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25 Aug 2022

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Play your way to good grades this school year! ?➡️?

No more re-copying or re-reading! Here’s how you can turn studying into gaming.

Back to school is here. For many, it’s an opportunity for a fresh start. This is the year you’re going to get it right. The right supplies, the right schedule, and the right attitude. But let’s be honest. How many times does that wave of inspired organization usually last? 1 month? Maybe 2? We’re all human, and it happens to the best of us. So the question is, how will this year be any different? 

Study smart, play hard with Kahoot!+ for students

How many times have you heard someone say: study smart, not hard!

But what does that really mean? Are you spending your study time writing out flashcards by hand, copying notes from your textbook, or re-reading chapter after chapter? Get your head out of the books and start learning through play!

So go ahead and play your way. Get started today with Kahoot!+ for students!


Turn studying into games and challenges!

Whether you’re the type of student that likes to study on your own or in a group, by making kahoots instead of copying notes you’re not only reviewing the material but creating games and challenges. In addition to being immersive and motivating, it also makes learning more effective by breaking down complicated concepts into bite-sized pieces that can be played anywhere, anytime right on your device. You can even share them with friends to compete against each other for a little extra motivation!

More than just words on a page.

Once you’ve created a kahoot, your content will automatically be available to review as flashcards, in practice mode with no points or timer, as a challenge kahoot to test yourself against the clock with points, and shared in a study group to challenge your friends for the top spot on the leaderboard.

We’ve even created new Kahoot! lobby music: “Focus Edition”, exclusively to help you study with Kahoot!, because every study session needs a great soundtrack!

Not sure how to get started? Download the Kahoot! app for iOS and Android to create a student profile, and read on to learn how you can start studying smart!


study smart with Kahoot!



? High scores = high grades ? with these 4 study modes!

1. Challenge your friends with Study Groups

Study groups are a great way to divide and conquer reviewing course content because everyone can create and add a kahoot covering a different part of the course!

Show-off what you know and challenge your friends to see how you measure up! Creating a study group is easy with a shareable link or QR code that allows you and your friends to join the group, choose kahoots to study together, or add in your own kahoots! 

Fight for the podium on each kahoot in the group or play the long game and get the most medals or points to climb your way to the top of the study group leaderboard!


2. Review concepts with Flashcards 

When it comes to reviewing important concepts, vocabulary, terms, or dates, we all know that flashcards are the best, but are you spending more time making them than you are reviewing them? And once you’re done, do you really want to carry around a stack of paper with a rubber band in a plastic bag? Absolutely not. 

Once you’ve made a kahoot with your notes, flashcards are automatically available as a game mode using the question on one side and the correct answer on the other. If you get the answer right, click “Got It” to check it off the list! If not, send it back in rotation by clicking “Study Again”. All are available to you on your smartphone or tablet!



3. Build confidence with Practice Mode

Everyone has to start somewhere! Don’t let high scores scare you away! When you play a kahoot in practice mode, there are no points or podiums, so as long as you’re learning, you’re winning. You can answer a question wrong as many times as it takes to get it right and make sure that you don’t make the same mistake on the exam. 

This is a great way to study at your own pace, build confidence, and encourage learning through trial and error!



4. Get ready for test day with Test yourself

Once you’re ready to put your knowledge to the test, go for the gold! Set your notes aside and see how you do. No cheating! This is the real thing. Full points for correct answers! Make your way to the top of the podium and challenge your friends. 


Get started today with Kahoot!+ for students to create awesome study experiences, and download the Kahoot! app for iOS or Android to learn on the go. Not sure how to create a Student account to access all Study Modes? Take a look at our YouTube channel.