Earlier this year we teamed up with Code.org on a mission to make computer science more accessible for students of all backgrounds and bring more fun into it with game-based learning. Together, we created a special collection of high quality kahoots curated by Code.org for teachers to use in their classrooms to teach computer science.
Professional development for computer science teachers
Another awesome initiative by Code.org is helping educators get on board with teaching computer science, no matter if you’re new to the field or have previous experience in tech. Nearly 85,000 teachers from all backgrounds have already participated in Code.org’s professional development workshops. It turned out that teachers enjoy learning with Kahoot! just as much as their students, so it quickly became part of the workshop program.
Leveling up! Code.org uses Kahoot! in national conferences
Recently, Code.org hosted their national Teacher Conferences in Atlanta and Phoenix with more than 900 middle and high school teachers. Kahoot! was used across 21 breakout rooms and two ballroom sessions, and it worked great for gathering teachers’ opinions, starting discussions around the most relevant topics, and sharing knowledge.

National Teacher Conference in Atlanta
One of the most discussed topics of the conference was assessment, and, over the course of the event, organizers used Kahoot! to gather teachers’ opinions about it. The goal was to figure out teachers’ assessment needs, find ways to solve and implement them over the 2018-19 school year and, generally, initiate a discussion around this important topic.